Have you been wanting to get your first pull-up but there is just not enough time in class?
Have you had the desire to get more focused instruction on a Bar muscle up?
Do you want to be better prepared for more RX’d movements in the open this year?
Fantastic Gymnastics is a 4-week course where we will do just that. We will give you the knowledge and instruction to get you moving towards those goals.
This specialty course will begin on Sundays starting Jan. 20th with Coach Chris.
4 sessions – $100
2 tracks:
Competitive – Sundays at 3:30pm
Each week, we’ll focus on a skill you’ll probably see in the Open: double unders, toes-to-bar, pull-ups and muscle-ups, handstand push-ups and walks, etc.
So, which track is right for you?
The “Rx” track is geared towards those who want to advance to doing more “Rx” movements in workouts such as kipping pull-ups and toes-to-bar, handstand push-ups and double unders. We’ll also go over barbell cycling so you can improve your workout times and efficiency.
The “Competitive” track is geared towards those athletes who typically can perform most “Rx” movements and want to add some tools to their toolbox for a more competitive edge. In this track we’ll focus on butterfly pull-ups and chest-to-bar pull-ups, bar and ring muscle-ups, handstand push-ups and handstand walks and ring dips.
Space is limited to 12 athletes in each track and we expect classes to fill up fast, so get yourself signed up today!
Click to get signed up now for the RX’d Track or click to sign up for the Competitive Track!